Engineering consulting

We offer comprehensive engineering consulting in the field of district heating, using specialized computational tools for thermo-hydraulic simulations based on digital network models. We perform district heating system optimization potential analysis, engineering analysis and system diagnostics providing comprehensive support in correctly energy efficiency of enterprises and their path to decarbonization.

Engineering consulting

Engineering consulting in the field of district heating with the use of specialized computational tools for thermal-hydraulic simulations allows us to carry out studies in the field of:

Diagnostics of the district heating system
Analysis of district heating system optimization potential
Analysis of engineering

A detailed assessment of the quality of the district heating system's operation to identify optimization potential in specific areas. The study will include:


Carrying out a detailed analysis of the formal, legal, technical and economic conditions for carrying out specific optimization measures.


Indication of the feasibility and material and financial outlays for energy efficiency improvement projects.


Preparation of an energy efficiency audit.

Preparation of documentation

Preparation of complete application documentation to the President of the ERO in order to obtain energy efficiency certificates (white certificates) for the indicated projects.

Analysis of conditions for implementation

Carrying out an analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the software for managing the operation of the district heating network with a temperature optimizer.

The scope of the study listed above is not closed

If proposals are made on your initiative, we are open to expanding the scope of the analysis to include additional areas of district heating system operation.

Engineering analyses

Verification of individual elements that are components of a district heating system. Examples of analyses completed for our clients include:

Analysis of network operation for nominal conditions
Analysis of network operation based on measurements or set conditions
Analysis of nodes according to the quality of their operation
Analysis of the possibility of lowering the regulation tables
Analysis of the operation of sources for a common network
Analysis of the possibility of building a heat accumulator
Analysis of expansion and modernization of the district heating system
Selection of optimal location of pumping stations
Identification of network sections requiring modernization
Identification of "bottlenecks"
Selection of pipeline diameters for preset network operation parameters
Analysis of the possibility of emergency heat transfer
Analysis of the operation of the district heating system after plugging in an additional source

The above analyses are examples of some of the tasks we perform. We remain open to the client’s suggestions regarding the scope of the study.


Diagnostics of the district heating system

A preliminary assessment of the quality of the district heating system's operation to indicate the potential for optimization in specific areas and to guide possible detailed analyses, studies and calculations. The results of this analysis will help identify possible areas of optimization.

Determination of system performance evaluation indicators

Determination of system performance evaluation indicators and comparison of them to recommended, optimal or standard indicators.

Analysis of system performance parameters

Preparation of graphs of the variability of individual parameters against standard and normative values.

Determination of the potential for optimization of heat losses

Presentation of optimization potential in the area of reduction of heat losses in transmission by:

• optimization of delivery parameters
• lowering the normative parametersh
• improving the method and quality of control of nodes and networksi
• Reducing carrier losses.

Determining the potential for optimization of electricity consumption

Presentation of optimization potential in the area of electricity consumption reduction through optimization of flows in the thermal network.

Estimating the cost

Presentation of the estimated cost of the potential for energy savings.

White certificates

Indication of the feasibility of projects related to the acquisition of so-called "white certificates".

On the basis of the initial diagnosis, we will be able to offer you a detailed Condition Analysis Service for carrying out specific activities, including the analysis of formal, legal, technical and economic conditions