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Optimization of district heating systems


Diagnostics Service (DS)

Initial diagnostics of the operation of the district heating system is designed to indicate the potential for optimization in individual areas and to guide possible detailed analyses, tests and calculations. The results of this analysis will help to identify possible areas for optimization.

Analysis Service (AS)

The purpose of the Analysis Service is to identify the regulatory, organizational and technical conditions and to estimate the amount of work, costs and benefits resulting from network operation optimization. The results of this analysis will define the areas of optimization and energy savings.


Diagnostics Service


Scope of the analysis:

  • Determining the performance indicators and comparing them to recommended, optimal or standard indicators.

  • Preparation of graphs of variability of individual parameters against standard and normative values.

  • Presentation of optimization potential for the reduction of heat losses on distribution, including:

    • optimization of supply parameters;

    • reduction of normative parameters;

    • improving the way and quality of nodes and network regulation;

    • reduction of medium losses.

  • Presentation of the potential for optimization of electricity consumption through optimization of heating network flows.

  • Presentation of the estimated cost of energy saving potential.

  • Indication of the possibility of implementing projects related to obtaining the so-called "white certificates".

On the basis of the initial diagnosis, we will be able to offer you a detailed Analysis of conditions for the implementation of specific actions, including the analysis of formal, regulatory, technical and economic conditions.


Data confidentiality

The data provided will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose for which it was intended. Kelvin will provide you a signed privacy statement before you send us your data.


Analysis Service

Scope of the analysis:

The Analysis Service includes the scope offered by the Diagnostics Service. Additionally, the study includes:

  • Performing a detailed analysis of formal, regulatory, technical and economic conditions to implement specific optimization actions.

  • Indication of the possibilities of implementation material and financial investments in projects improving energy efficiency.

  • Preparation of energy efficiency audit.

  • Preparation of complete application documentation to the Energy Regulatory Office President in order to obtain energy efficiency certificates (white certificates) for the indicated solutions.

  • Analysis of the conditions of implementation of the software for managing the operation of the district heating network with the temperature optimizer.

The scope of the study mentioned above is not closed. We are open to extend the scope of the analysis with additional areas of the heating system operation.


Data confidentiality

The data provided will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose for which it was intended. Kelvin will provide you a signed privacy statement before you send us your data.


Scheme of service realization

Scheme of service realization